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Why Lenny Kravitz Is Addicting

The lean Lenny Kravitz grabs headlines because his music motivates others to go on a diet. Guitar Hero developers had his image in mind when creating their popular video game. I still remember the first time I played Guitar Hero in a college apartment. It was addicting.

Lenny Kravitz is living the good life. The American Woman singer is fulfilling the American Dream.

I’m a long time fan. For a major part of last week, I’ve listened to Lenny Kravitz’s CDs and read several articles about the rock star. He has an interesting story.

When he first started his record label told him he didn’t sing “black” or “white” enough. As you know, Lenny Kravitz is half African and half Jewish. Fortunately, someone else’s doubt didn’t stop the musician from making music.

Today, Lenny Kravitz is known from New York to Moscow. He has a great reputation to live up to. Plus, his beautiful daughter Zoe gives him an extra sense of pride as a Hollywood actress in high demand.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Although he divorced her mother Lisa Bonet, the parents are on good terms. You see Lenny Kravitz is cool. One minute Justin Bieber’s posing with him. The next minute, you see his leather pants rip on stage. The celebrity could have been embarrassed about it, but the show goes on instead.

I believe this will be a special year in music. The Grammys rarely take place on Monday. And Kanye West’s most recent Tweet directed at Mark Zuckerberg is nothing short of amazing. I agree with Kanye 100 percent. That’s why I wrote this piece called Kanye West and 60s/70s Music.

Lenny Kravitz’s creativity compares to Kanye West’s artistry. Like the College Dropout rapper, Kravitz expresses his creative ideas, only a little differently. Like Guitar Hero, Lenny Kravitz is addicting.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

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