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Halle Berry is Mad

Halle Berry is distantly related to Sarah Palin and apparently she's not happy about it...
 She may be on the tree but she AINT invited to the cookout
She tweeted that by the way. Whoopdifuckingdoo. Jesus don't you people ever give this shit a rest? This was originally news like 5 years ago why are you bringing it up again? Just to make a bunch of idiots mad? The woman was picked to run for vice president 12 years ago. I can't even remember the last time I thought about Sarah Palin. Unless you count that time I watched that porno (for research) with that actress that was made up to look like her then I guess the last time I thought about her was last Friday. And Saturday. And a couple times on Sunday.

 But carrying around all this bizarre resentment can not be good for you. Seriously, get professional help if you need it.  Try taking a walk every day, or collect stamps, or maybe build model trains. All of those are things that will occupy your hands and mind for a while. It's not her fault that winning an Oscar 18 years ago ruined your career.

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