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Jams of the Week

TV Jams: Funny Ladies on Comedy Central

Did you guys watch "Broad City"? I am in love with these girls. It's not even that I necessarily relate to their lives; I just think their mannerisms are hilarious, especially Ilana's idiosyncratic phrasing. I also have a mad crush on Hannibal Buress' character. You can catch up On Demand.

I'm also so happy "Inside Amy Schumer" is back. My friend Bret introduced me to it last summer and she is seriously one of the smartest comedians around the block. This Aaron Sorkin TV show parody is so on point it hurts.

Radio Jam: Disclosure, "Latch"

I'm pretty sure I downloaded this song almost a year ago, but I've been catching it on the radio lately and I get down and JAM in the car. I love all of their videos, too. This one is super sweet.

Literary Jam: "One More Thing" by BJ Novak

After hearing a lot of folks I respect gushing over BJ Novak's short story collection, One More Thing, I decided to give it a shot and it's really pretty great. It's funny, it's tragic, it's sharp and full of interesting observations about life, human behavior, social interactions and twists on the usual story tropes. I definitely could imagine a few of them making great screenplays, which makes sense since you know him as a writer and star of "The Office."

TV Shipping Jam: Peggy & Stan on "Mad Men"

One of the most ridiculous things I hate to admit about myself is that I LOVE slow-burn romance storylines on television shows. Put a pair of people together, build sexual tension for years and I'm a sucker for it. "Mad Men" is back and I cannot stop thinking about how much I want Stan and Peggy to hook up. It's weird how much I'm into the idea, especially considering Peggy is my proto-feminist icon and I shouldn't be so preoccupied with her love life. But I can't help it!!! And I'm not alone...there's even a Tumblr devoted to it.

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