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"Now he doesn't escape": 35 victims Bill Cosby on the cover of New York Magazine

Now he doesn't escape: 35 victims Bill Cosby on the cover of New York Magazine

American Journal of New York put on the cover of fresh numbers pictures 35 women accusing Bill Cosby of sexual harassment and rape.

Also published excerpts of interviews with women who talk about contacts with tv stars.

It is noteworthy that on the cover of women depicted in black robes, and the inside is white.

35 victims Bill Cosby on the cover of New York Magazine

Chelan Lasha:

I am no longer afraid. Now I feel so much stronger than he.

Tamara Greene:

In 2005 year, Bill Cosby could still contain the MEDIA pressure. In the year 2015, when we have social networks, he does not escape. We will not allow to forget about yourself.

Louisa Moritz:

I was so embarrassed. I am ashamed of itself.

Barbara Bowman:

I felt like a prisoner. It was a feeling that I just stole. Yes, I could just go through the streets of Manhattan and screaming that raped me Bill Cosby. But who would have believed back then? No one, no one ...
 victims Bill Cosby


 victims Bill Cosby

By the way, a couple of days ago it became known that a California Court dismissed Bill Cosby to close the criminal case against him on charges of raping an underage girl. It is likely that in the near future the American comedian have to testify under oath.

Charge Cosby in the actions of a violent nature against a minor was made last December. According to the lawsuit, in 1974 year Bill Cosby committed forcible sexual intercourse with a 15-year-old girl. It is noteworthy that this happened on the territory of the owner's mansion Playboy and lover of methaqualone Hugh Hefner.

Media report that Cosby's lawyers sought the termination of a case, but the California Court agreed that Sue deserves detailed examination.

Note that the last time Bill Cosby testified under oath in 2005 year-it was then he confessed that he used drugs to induce women to sex. Lawyers for the comedian managed to conceal information about hearings for 10 years, arguing the undesirable effects for the image of their client.

We remind that in November, Janice Dickinson, accused in rape of Bill Cosby in a State of narcotic intoxication. After the official declaration, similar accusations against the actor model have brought many women to date, the number of alleged victims Cosby exceeds 20 people.

Bill Cosby

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