Be sure to tune in next week (same bat time, same bat channel) when we kick off our second year with our 1st anniversary blowout spectacular! In the mean time, enjoy some of these highlights of year one.....
Of course this pic is going to make the short list! I assume that the lobster was quite tasty!
Nothing says 70s fashion fun quite like this pic!
A really, really nice pic of Kathy and Karen!
Kathy and Kay in evening wear. Yeah!
Bodysuits, always a popular theme (except, based on the comments, from those gals who actually tried to wear them).
Things looked bad when we were sucked into the alternate reality of a Plaid, Plaid World. However, somehow we survived.
Kathy, summertime, 'nuff said.
Fashion as Couples Therapy was a surprise hit. However with awesomely groovy His N' Her coordinates like these, you can see why!
Maternity wear wasn't the most popular theme, but nobody can complain about this pic!
Kathy, Karen, and Colleen. White with Brights indeed!
Classic Kathy catalog pic!
Of course I'm going to end with a swimwear pic! Duh!
Many thanks to all the fans and followers of this blog. I admit that this whole thing started off without a whole lot of planning (in other words, late on a Friday night after a few beers). However, I have had great fun doing it. A year ago, I would have never dreamed that this little blog would experience the growth that it has. Once again many thanks to all who made that happen.
I really look forward to year two with more new pics, continuation of our old themes, and perhaps some new themes to explore!
P.S. According to last week's poll, the consensus was that the black and white photo was definitely Kathy. The Lee Jeans ad got some votes. The Woman's Day pic got a vote, but the others were not Kathy according to our readership. Thanks for voting!
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