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50 cent claims his album is perfect.

50 has been pushing the drop date of his latest album, before i self destruct, back for a while now. More likely because he knows he does not have the right buzz. But he has some words for the public.

"I feel like my album is as close to perfect as it's gonna get," he told MTV. "I'm reaching the point to where if I have to continue to write it, I'll be overkilling it."

"I could put lyrics to any melody. I can write a Rap song, I can write an R&B song, I can write whatever type of song. If you put a note on it where I can hear it, man, I can write that. We did that, and that's how I came up with that new cadence for 'Ayo Technology.' We did that a couple of times while we was on there working [on Before I Self Destruct]. It's fun that way to have him participate with me...Even if you ain't got the words. You're up there, 'Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.' Tim will be like, 'I can't believe that. He was able to make everything I just made a noise into a real cadence.' I seen him take pens or pencils into a cup and put it into a shaker. I'm sure nobody else has shaker sounds like that. ... I seen some interesting things from Timbaland."

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