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{ Children's Day }


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Yeey, it's children's day! Even though we are passed 18, well 20 as well, we still feel like children's because let's face it, we are. We are still living in our hometown, with our cute little family, so to them we are the children. So let's celebrate us! We decided to show you some cute photos of us as little kids, hope you like them! The quality is not the best, we scanned the photos ... 
Unfortunately, we have many many exams next week, so we will be spending it with studying, but for sure we will take a little break and watch some of our favorite videos and eat something sweet!! 

Here are some of our fave videos of kids, there are a lot more on youtube, just type in: kids react to and you will get a lot of cute ones!
PS: For our Hungarian followers, don't forget to check out Hamala!!