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Justin Bieber Fell Again During His Concert (But Ended Up Turning It Into a Motivational Moment)

Justin Bieber, 2016 Billboard Music Awards, Show

Kevin Winter/Getty Images via ABC

Justin Bieber is too clumsy for his own good.

The singer, who has had more spills in the last week than we'd like to admit, had another unfortunate moment during his Jacksonville, Fla., concert last night while performing his hit single, "Sorry."

No, it wasn't a trap door that took Biebs down this time. For that particular performance, the floor ended up getting extremely wet (caution zone!), and instead of being extra careful on the slippery floor, Bieber decided to have a little fun and splashed around with his dancers—but one kick made him land his bum.

It was literally like a cartoon. Bieber kicked and BOOM! He's on the floor.

Of course, fans caught the spill on camera, and it made its way to Twitter:

Don't worry, he's OK.

In fact, Bieber managed to turn the embarrassing spill into a motivational moment. The singer got back up and told the crowd, "Life's about taking falls and life's about getting back up!"

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