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Yes Gentle Reader, I heard it too.  It's the sound of thunder and the pouring rain.  Thick sheets of rain appears to be falling from the sky.  So I guess any hope of going for the entire week without the rain falling from the sky has been dashed (Much to the delight of fishes, ducks and plants).  So get out the umbrellas and be prepared to run between the rain drops.  Because rain has returned to the city of Cleveland, Ohio for a little bit longer than expected.  That's ok, because rain is just as much a part of life as clear blue skies and dry weather.  And it's good to know that a drought won't be afflicting Cleveland, Ohio anytime soon.  And that's good enough for me.  Hey, I'm the type of guy who tries to see the good in all situation no matter what the outcome may turn out to be.
And as I'm lost in thought in the pouring rain, here are some photos of Miley Cyrus.

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