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A secret affair with Dannii, lusting after Cheryl, besotted by Natalie... Simon Cowell's more red-blooded than many of us supposed - if a new book's to be believed

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Dannii Minogue was nowhere to be found yesterday. She was presumably trying to find a very large hole to crawl into, such was her mortification.

Rather ignoring the old-fashioned dictum that a gentleman never kisses and tells, her old boss Simon Cowell has come out with an extraordinary account of a fleeting affair between the two.

Cowell, who loves nothing more than to polish his image as a ladykiller, has confirmed rumours of a fling in an ‘unauthorised’ biography.

Revealing: Dannii Minogue, who Simon Cowell described as 'foxy'

Sweet Revenge: The Intimate Life Of Simon Cowell has been written by respected author Tom Bower.
He has not allowed Cowell to read the final manuscript, but during hours of interviews it seems the two men became friends.

It is clear Cowell is loving the attention of being presented as the pasha at the head of a talent show TV harem. ‘Yikes!’ he tweeted triumphantly after seeing the newspaper headlines proclaiming ‘Cowell’s Affair With Dannii’. Smug barely covers it.

Of course, if you are a 52-year-old entertainment titan who has long suffered jibes and speculation about your sexuality, publicity of this sort is catnip. Just recently, the Village Voice in New York ran an article titled: Simon Cowell: Gay Or Just British?

The X Factor judge Louis Walsh has long enjoyed catty observations about Cowell’s camp demeanour.

 Not bothered: The music mogul poked fun at the revelations via his Twitter page last night

‘He is camp, he is theatrical,’ says Walsh. ‘He tilts his head just like a woman.’ Brace yourself, then, for the heterosexual fightback.

Cowell told Bower he fell for Dannii after she joined The X Factor’s judging panel in 2007. ‘It was genuine love,’ he claims.

However, a long-standing friend of his tells me: ‘Whenever Simon uses the phrase genuine, you know it’s not true.’ (And ‘genuine love’, surely, is a phrase better reserved for happily-ever-after rather than a clandestine, no-strings assignation.)

His account of the romance is as follows: ‘I had a crush on her. It was her hair, the sexy clothes and the ***s. She was foxy. She was a real man’s girl. Very feminine.’

Genuine love: Cowell, left, has revealed he fell for Danniii Minogue, centre right, in 2007 when she joined the X Factor judging panel, alongside Cheryl Cole, centre left, and Louis Walsh, right

Affair: Simon Cowell and Dannii Minogue appeared to be holding hands as they left the BBC Studio in White City in 2007

He says they got together in August 2007. An affair was rumoured at the time. They were pictured holding hands in a car leaving BBC TV Centre, and Cowell said repeatedly on the record that he ‘fancied’ Minogue, though at the time they both denied anything had gone on.

‘Every guy in the world fancies Dannii,’ he said in an interview at the time. ‘She’s become a sex symbol since joining the show.’

Why did it end? Apparently, Cowell told a friend: ‘There were a few bonks and then it petered out while I was in America.’

Not quite the stuff of grand romance, then.

Cowell has never married and none of his many relationships has lasted. There have also been numerous flings and liaisons, which he has been lucky to keep out of the newspapers.

Attraction: Simon Cowell set out what appealed to him about Dannii Minogie, saying: 'It was her hair, the sexy clothes and the ***s. She was foxy. She was a real man¿s girl. Very feminine'

More than friends? According to a new book Simon Cowell had a short-lived relationship with Dannii Minogue in 2007

One relative of a Cowell conquest told me: ‘He is very intense and controlling, and then when he cools off he simply couldn’t care less. I don’t really know if he has ever been in love. He will say he is, but it’s not in his make-up, in my opinion.’

Another long-standing colleague says: ‘Simon is only fully committed to work, making money and to himself. It’s all about him.

‘The only person he cares about other than himself — who he has ever cared about — is his mum, Julie.

‘He likes pretty girls and being in a relationship, but they end up just being useful arrangements. He will never get married. That’s the way it is — it’s not the wrong girl or the wrong time, it’s just Simon.’

In the book, Bower says, perhaps more tactfully, that Cowell felt he was not ready for a relationship with Dannii Minogue, having just split with long-term girlfriend Terri Seymour.

It’s all rather odd, though, as Cowell and Terri Seymour split officially only in November 2008 — more than a year after the fling with Dannii. And, in April 2008, as rumours circulated that the relationship with Terri was over, Cowell’s spokesman Max Clifford insisted that they were still a couple.

Now Clifford has changed his tune and claims they were, in fact, separated.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2130300/Simon-Cowells-red-blooded-supposed--new-books-believed.html#ixzz1sCmT7vjV

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