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'Flavor Of Love' Cast .. Where Are They Now?

Flavor Of Love.. Where Are They Now?

Whatever happened to some your favorite cast members from Flavor Of Love? I created a 'Where Are They Now video featuring some of the girls from the iconic show 'Flavor Of Love'

Here are what some of the cast been up to


 Pumkin was best known for spitting at New York. She then appeared on 'I Love Money' and Charm school. According to a VH1 interview she did last year, she is now working in an accounting firm.


Goldie was best know as the comedian on the show's first season. Three months ago, a picture of her went viral showing her graduating college.

Like Dat

 Like Dat appeared on the second season of the show ans also appeared on Charm School. She is now a marketing consultant


Myammee appeared on the 3rd season of the show. She then won, the second season of I Love Money. She now has her own Youtube channel called Iammayamme

Check out the video to see the rest of the cast and what they have been up to

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