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If You And Your Partner Have These 6 Habits Before Bed, They’re “The One”

Being a couple implies a lot of challenges in daily life. It could range from making ends meet, handling business, bills, children, cooking, chores, and of course, keep up with social and societal obligations. In the midst of this, many a couple forget how their love journey had begun. The love in their story and how they had butterflies in their stomach the first time they met. What started as a cute, mushy love story goes on to be nothing but a practiced set of motions and schedules. This is one reason why many couples fall apart with time or lose the fire in their relationships.

Against this backdrop, it is vital for a couple to stay happy with themselves. Feel and feed the love to each other and be able to give each other some quality time… even if it is for just ten minutes before they fall asleep. So, what makes a happy couple? Well, according to relationship experts, if a couple does these 6 things before going to bed, then they are considered to be a happy couple (1). Read on to know more about things you should do to find a little connect.

#1 They Go To Bed Together As Often As Possible

They Go To Bed Together As Often As Possible


Accordingly to experts, couples that go to bed at different times have a bit of a disconnect. After having finished their respective professional work and chores, the couple has pretty much spent the entire day apart. And after this, if they land up going to bed at different times, there is barely any time they spend together. So, if you and your SO go to bed at the same time, you are sure to get time to connect intimately, and that is bound to help in building a connect.

#2 Telling Each Other “I Love You”

Telling Each Other “I Love You”


Yes. This is something that today’s generation finds very cheesy, and finds it old fashioned. Well, like the Everly Brothers song said, That’s old fashioned, That’s the way love should be. Beyond all the annoying hassles, stress, job, chores, traffic, and everything else, it is important to let each other know that you love them. Even if you have just had an argument or disagreement, it is important to let them know that despite all that, you will still love them. Note: Say it like you feel it.

#3 They Give Importance To Quality Sleep

They Give Importance To Quality Sleep


This may not seem as obvious as the regular advice for couples. However, when a couple gives importance to good sleeping habits, their mind is more refreshed to start the day with a bang. In turn, that keeps them more available for each other emotionally during the day. If good sleep is hard, maybe you should give it more importance and see a doctor.

#4 Going ‘No-Screen’

Going ‘No-Screen’


What good is getting to bed together and turn lights off, only to be scrolling through your Instagram feed until your phone falls on your face? Let’s face it. It isn’t an uncommon sight. The problem is after a busy day of work, commute, and other stressing factors; we want to scroll mindlessly through some entertainment and gossip. The problem is the social world was created to bring people closer. However, it is only pulling them apart. Apart from bazillion researches that say why phones before bed are bad, scrolling your phones before sleep is going to rob you both of quality time together. That does not end well. Try and implement ‘no-phone’ time an hour before bed. This can go a long way.

#5 They Don’t Resolve Difficult Arguments Before Bed

They Don’t Resolve Difficult Arguments Before Bed


True that we have all been told to not go to sleep with an issue unresolved. On the flip side, going through heavy topics and addressing issues is going to leave you feeling more drained. This stands true because of common sense — at the end of the day, you are tired and patience is not exactly your strong point. At this time, don’t pick a fight and don’t try to resolve an older fight. Just tell your SO that you love them and go to sleep.

#6 They Talk About The Day and Their Feelings Openly

They Talk About The Day and Their Feelings Openly


It has been a long and busy day, and now is the time to vent out a bit. Happy couples are those that allow each other to let off some steam about external-factors. But again, this must be restricted to a max of 20 minutes. Going on and on all evening long about it may not be the best idea. It is too much negativity. It is important to show each other some support and listen to each other. This act of being supportive of each other can help build a stronger connect. Also, it can give a deeper insight into what makes each other tick and twist.

So, that is a list of things that happy couples do before they go to bed. It is not about going from one day to another and in the end, counting the numbers days in life together. It is important to add life to each of those days. Start now, and it can go a long way. So, what do you both do before going to bed? How is that working out for you both? Let us know in the comment section below.

The post If You And Your Partner Have These 6 Habits Before Bed, They’re “The One” appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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