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Saturday Shopping

We've made it to another weekend! WOO! This weekend is so.much.fun. Callie flew in from North Carolina last night and we went to dinner with our parents and hung out. Tonight, I am having my parents, sister, aunt, uncle, and Grammy over for cocktails and then we are headed to the Terrace Room for dinner to celebrate my grammy's 91st birthday! Afterward, Callie and I are going to meet up with some family friends and go out downtown! It is SO nice having her home, I missed her!

Then, Sunday is Mother's Day! It will be so nice to have Callie there to celebrate with my mom as well as my Grammy and my aunt and uncle who came from Georgia!

Then, next week is an absolutely PACKED week. It's going to be nuts. I'm going to a Pirate game, having a spa day at the Fairmont with friends, headed to DC for about 24 hours for an event with Tuckernuck (more on that early next week), and then hosting DC friends here in Pittsburgh for the weekend. So much fun going on, I can't wait!

There have been quite a few things that have caught my eye this week. Namely, these pajamas, this floral romper, and this embroidered dress. Such fun pieces for summer! You can scroll through the widget at the top of this post to see more of my favorites from this week. Hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

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