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A Cultural Trust Event: Beauty Slap + Baron Batch's Studio

Last week, my friend Amanda and I went to a really neat event put on by the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust. It was located in the Cultural District in downtown Pittsburgh in Cabaret Square. This was a venue I had not been to before, so I was happy to check out a new-to-me space. When you entered, there was music, cocktails and tons of food. I thought that was the extent of the event, but then the doors opened up and entered into a large production space. 

Amanda and I grabbed a glass of champagne and got a seat. The band, BeautySlap, was SO cool. It was made up of 4 brass players, a bass player and then a DJ. The instruments played along to the DJ's electronic music for a really cool, upbeat sound. Then, Baron Batch, a local Pittsburgh artist started to paint along with the music. Overall, it was one of the cooler events I've gone to in Pittsburgh. It was definitely 'different' but that's what made it so cool! 

Then, on Saturday, a few friends and I went to Studio AM in Homestead. It's Baron Batch's studio where he puts on a brunch a few times a month. This was another awesome experience and I totally recommend it to anyone in the Pittsburgh area. You have to make a reservation and then you pay a flat-fee when you enter. Then you can sit wherever you like. There is a breakfast buffet, but you can also order from the menu. I had chocolate banana pancakes and they were soooo good. Not to mention all the bacon and sausage you can eat (a major win in my book) and it's BYOB. We brought champagne and got to tour around the studio and see some of the awesome work, not to mention, the eclectic decor. Overall they were two really cool experiences and if you are in Pittsburgh, I urge you to become a member of the Cultural Trust and to check out Studio AM in Homestead! Have a fabulous day! 

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