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The Blogger Formerly Known As Snell?!?

Oh dear, whatever could this mean?

What the?? Published by DC's Piranha Press imprint in 1991, Prince: Alter Ego features a cover by Brian Bolland, a script by Dwayne McDuffie pencils by Denys Cowan. The synopsis on GCD simply says, "Prince returns to Minneapolis and confronts the evil music of his double, Gemini."

I don't own this book, have never read it, and really have nothing to say about it.

So why am I bringing it up?? Why, for the same reason I'm bringing this one up:

Yes, they followed up with Prince And The New Power Generation: Three Chains Of Gold in 1994. Cover by Steven Parke, script again by McDuffie, and pencils by Steve Carr and Deryl Skelton and David A. Williams. I won't even try to describe the plot--let Chris Sims do it.

Again, don't have it, haven't read it, nothing to say (except that, maybe McDuffie should have tried to put Prince into the Justice League).

So what's the deal??

Let's just say that this post is a (not-so) cunning clue to the theme for the next week...and also ties in nicely with Spacebooger's Friday Night Fights:G7.

Tune in Sunday evening...and prepare to have your mind blown!!!

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