One of the angriest threads to come down my Facebook stream had to do with the recent controversy over whether Maria Schneider was raped on camera by Marlon Brando during the making of Last Tango in Paris. Nancy, a producer and casting director, teamed with Leila, an actress, in a blitz against a middle-aged man who insisted that Brando's actions did not constitute rape. Before I discovered the thread, the women had blocked the man, which caused his comments disappeared from the discussion. This was all that was left:
NancyI don't care if it was hardcore porn - they sprung it on her to get REAL humiliation. It wasn't in the script and she, nor her agents, had signed off on it. End of story.
Leila The very fact that the horror of this act even needs explaining is mind boggling to me! IT IS NOT UP FOR DISCUSSION!!! Forcing ANY act upon anyone else without their consent is wrong. This is a prime example of the bullshit we deal with as women on a constant basis and, sadly, it won't be getting better anytime soon.
Nancy As women, we can all tell you horror story after horror story of sexual harassment and abuse.
Leila That's the biggest line of bull if ever there was one. Men need to understand we're not going to put up with such s**t anymore. Period. Brando was a pompous, pretentious ass. I'm an actress and would never DARE use the pretense of being method as an excuse to force myself unto anyone. Art does not precede human rights nor would it stand up as a defense to a violent act in a court of law. Your words are shamefully ignorant and a blatant example of the exhausting patriarchy we have to deal with.
Leila Talking to a wall would be more productive than explaining the basics of human rights to you. Sad to see that's a hard thing for you to grasp but, unfortunately, not surprising. The fact that you'd even choose this post as one you have to keep commenting on and showing your full blown ignorance in is sickening. Mansplaining at its most exhausting.
NancyLet me guess: you are an older white male.
Leila You really, REALLY need to go away. Far, far away.
Leila Wow. Your stupidity is ASTOUNDING!!!
NancyMichael you are a sexist misogynist ass
NancyAgree 1000% Leila
NancySounds like Michael [Redacted] is in the club of sexual abusers and harassers.
NancyMichael go fuck yourself
Nancywow i'm sure it's not the first time you've been called a pig
LeilaAh Michael. So, so goddamn stupid. And your reply to "go fuck yourself" is GOLDEN! There's a line for fucking yourself? 😂😂😂
NancyHad to block him. Too insane.
LeilaI did too. But first I reported him to FB. So done with this BS.
NancyOh good idea to report. Wow. WTH.
NancyCan you believe these guys?
LeilaSickening! The fact that they're OFFENDED by our outrage is indicative of what they're capable of.
NancyYep. And trying to justify bad behavior as art. Misogyny at it's finest.
LeilaYep. Sickening and scary. He's definitely not alone in thinking along those lines.
NancyI had just blocked 2 other guys who basically were making the same argument.
LeilaWe need more women in positions of power all across the board. Sigh.
NancyIt's beyond belief that these guys not only try to justify it, but attack us with the same
LeilaI swear I can't take anymore of this misogyny and now with Orange Hitler coming at us I shudder to think what we'll be dealing with. We have to be louder and more vocal than ever before.
NancyYASSSSS AGREE!! It's unreal what we're up against.
My own argument on this matter will be presented in a video essay for my forthcoming YouTube channel, Anthony The Watcher.
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