Terribly sorry in the delay in posting the links...late return from my first vacation in years (odd how the traffic always seems to jam around NYC...isn't it...).
Many thanks to all the patient contributors and readers...a not-completely overlooked bunch, but even moreso than usual!
Bill Crider: The Santa Fe Trail
Brian Arnold: Dancin' on Air
Dan Stumpf: Seconds
Evan Lewis: "Ha! Ha! Ha!"
George Kelley: Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead
Iba Dawson: Letter from an Unknown Woman
James Reasoner: War Paint; Bang Bang; Teddy Bear
Jerry House: Hotrods to Hell
Juri Nummelin: Pendulum
Kate Laity: The Running, Jumping & Standing Still Film
Michael Shonk: Charlie Grace; Results, Inc.
Patti Abbott: Jump Tomorrow
Randy Johnson: "Hashknife Hartley and Sleepy Stevens" episodes of Sagebrush Theater
Ron Scheer: 3 Godfathers
Scott Cupp: Mandrake the Magician
Yvette Banek: The Major and the Minor
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