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2017 - A Year in Review

Good afternoon gamers.

For the first time I have logged all the games there were played over the year. I'm happy to say we have had a healthy gaming group here in Charlotte and look forward to an outstanding 2018. I played in the following games throughout the year, with most of them in my basement "War Room".

I haven't sent out the "New Year's Gaming Resolutions" to the group yet, but I'm excited for the coming year.

Total Miniatures Games in 2017:  22
Total Board Games in 2017:          48

JANUARY (MG: 4, BG: 1)

Jan 4th  - 1812 twice (Paul, Phil, Steven H., EricBu, Brian)
Jan 11th - Game of Thrones (EB win) - (Mac, Phil, Brian, Paul, EricBu, Steven H.)
Jan 18th - SAGA (Steven H., Paul, Brian, EricBu)
Jan 25th - SAGA (Brian, EricBu, Steve H., John)


Feb 1  - SAGA (EricBu, Phil, John, Jan, Brian)
Feb 3\4 - JJ Con (Pirates, GoL, Chariots)
Feb 8  - No Game
Feb 15 - Fields of Despair (1 game - EC, EB)
Feb 22 - Fields of Despair (2 games - EB, Hammer, Paul, and Brian)

MARCH (MG: 2, BG: 1)

March 1  - No Game
March 8  - RJW 15mm(Jan, Phil, EC, EB, Paul)
March 15 - RJW 15mm (EB, Brian, Jan, Phil, Hammer)
March 22 - No Game
March 29 - Mare Nostrum (EB, EC, John, Wes, Charles, Steven) Wes Win

APRIL (MG: 0, BG: 5)

April 5  - Mare Nostrum (EB, Mac, Brian, Wes, Steven) EB Win
April 9  - Dominant Species (Charles, EB, Hammer, Mary, Greg) - Sunday
April 12 - Terraforming Mars (EB, Hammer, Paul) - Hammer victory
April 19 - Fief 1429 (EB, Jan, EC, Brian) game called due to time.
April 26 - Terraforming Mars (Hammer, EB, Jan) - EB victory

MAY (MG: 0, BG: 7)

May 3  - Pericles (EB, Mac, EC, Jan, Hammer, Brian)
May 10 - Pericles (EB, EC, Jan, Brian)
May 17 - Pericles (EB, Jan, Brian)
May 20 - BAR (EB, Phil, HH_am, Charles_am)
         Raiders of the North Sea (EB, Phil, Ben) Phil victor
May 24 - Mare Nostrum (EB, Phil, Jan, Wes, Steven)
May 31 - Maneuovre (Phil, EB) - Russians vs. Ottomans (EB victory)

JUNE (MG: 1, BG: 2)

June 7  - MAW - Palo Alto (EB, Jan, Brian)
June 14 - Pericles (EB, EC, Brian, Phil)
June 28 - Manoeuvre (EB, Jan, Mike B.)

JULY (MG: 6, BG: 1)

July 5  - Reichenberg SYW (EB, Wes, Mike P.)
July 12 - Historicon (AWI, SYW, WW2 Skirmish, Vietnam)
July 19 - No Game
July 26 - Zombicide: Black Plague (EB, Phil, Wes, Jan)
July 30 - 1812 28mm (Carnage & Glory) Dr. Bob's place

AUGUST (MG: 2, BG: 3)

Aug  2  - 1812 15mm (Piquet) (Brian, EB, Phil, Wes, Jan, Charles)
Aug  9  - 1812 15mm (Piquet) (Brian, EB, Jan, Phil, Charles)   
Aug  16 - Time of Crisis - Rome 3rd Century AD (GMT) (EB, Phil, Wes)
Aug  23 - QMG:1914 (Mac, EB, Brian, Wes) 2 games played
Aug  30 - Vikings 878 (EB, Charles, Jan, Phil)


Sept  6 – QM1914 (EB, Jan, Wes, Mac, HH) two games played
Sept 13 - Nappy Wars (EB, Jan, Paul, Phil, Brian)
Sept 20 - HIS playtest (EB, Jan, EC, Brian, Phil, and Wes)
Sept 27 - Time of Crisis - Rome 3rd Century AD (GMT) (EB, Phil, Brian, Mac)
Sept 30 - Twilight Imperium 4 - (EB, Wes, Mac, Hammer, Victor, Nick)

OCTOBER (MG: 1, BG: 6)
Oct  4 - Terraforming Mars (EB, Mac, Jan, Phil, EC, Charles)  
Oct  8 - Manoeuvre (EB and Phil) x2 on Sunday (Prussians vs Swedes & Qing vs USA)
Oct 11 - Here I Stand - prep game (Jan, EC, EB, Ben, Phil, Brian)
Oct 18 - 1775 (EB, Jan, Phil)
Oct 21 - Here I Stand (Jan, EB, Brian, Phil, EC, BenS) - Saturday all day game at my house. 10am
  •   Jan - Papacy
  •   Phil - France
  •   EC - England
  •   Brian - Ottomans
  •   EB - HRE   (Victor)
  •   Ben - Protestants
Oct 25 - Krefeld - 15mm SYW (EB, Phil, Jan, Brian)


Nov 1  - Liberty or Death (COIN) (EB, Phil, Jan, Charles)
Nov 8  - Time of Crisis (EB, Phil, Jan, Wes)
Nov 15 - Liberty or Death (COIN) (EB, Phil, Jan, Brian) didn't finish
Nov 20 - Colonial Twilight (COIN) (EB and Phil) - cut short
Nov 22 - No Game
Nov 29 - WWI 15mm (GWSH2 Germans vs Russians) (EB, Brian)


Dec 6  - No Game
Dec 13 - No Game
Dec 19 - WWI 15mm (GWSH2 Germans vs Russians) (EB, EC, Phil, Jan)
Dec 20 - No Game
Dec 27 - Captain Sonar (EB, Wes, Hammer, Brian, Phil, Mac)

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